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W lutym 2023 r. Komisja Europejska zaproponowała zmianę rozporządzenia (UE) 2019/1242 w sprawie norm emisji CO2 dla nowych pojazdów ciężkich w UE. Proponowane zmiany rozszerzyłyby zakres rozporządzenia na autobusy miejskie, autokary, przyczepy i dodatkowe typy samochodów ciężarowych. Celem jest zmniejszenie do 2040 r. średniego poziomu emisji CO2 z nowych pojazdów ciężkich o 90% w porównaniu z poziomami z 2019 r. Rada przyjęła swoje stanowisko w październiku 2023 r., a Parlament na drugiej listopadowej ...

Road transport is a major contributor to climate change. CO2 emissions from heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) have grown steadily, and account for over a quarter of road transport CO2 emissions. On 14 February 2023, the European Commission tabled a legislative proposal to revise Regulation (EU) 2019/1242 setting CO2 emission standards for new HDVs in the EU. The proposed revision would expand the scope of the regulation to include urban buses, coaches, trailers and additional types of lorries. The average ...

Fit for 55 package

Briefing 06-03-2024

The 'fit for 55' package of July and December 2021 was designed to realise the European Climate Law objectives: climate neutrality by 2050 and a 55 % reduction of net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030, compared with 1990 levels. It consisted of 13 interlinked proposals to revise existing EU climate and energy laws, and six new legislative proposals. All proposals, except the Energy Taxation Directive, have been adopted or agreed by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU. The package ...

The 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, ended on 13 December 2023. The conference operationalised the Loss and Damage Fund, which was established by COP27 in 2022. It also concluded the first global stocktake of climate action under the Paris Agreement and adopted a decision calling for accelerated short-term action and an orderly transition away from fossil fuels towards climate-neutral energy systems – the first-ever ...

CO2 emissions of new cars and vans

W skrócie 04-12-2023

Road transport is responsible for almost a fifth of the EU's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The revision of the regulation on CO2 emission limits for new cars and vans under the 'fit for 55' package ensures an increasingly higher share of clean vehicles on European roads. All new cars registered after 2035 must be zero-emission vehicles. The new Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) meanwhile provides for roll out of the necessary recharging points.

28 Konferencja Stron Ramowej Konwencji Narodów Zjednoczonych w sprawie Zmian Klimatu (COP28) odbędzie się w Dubaju (Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie) w dniach od 30 listopada do 12 grudnia 2023 r. Konferencja zakończy pierwszy globalny przegląd działań w dziedzinie klimatu w ramach porozumienia paryskiego, dwuletni proces przeglądu postępów i nakreślenia dalszych działań. Podczas drugiej listopadowej sesji plenarnej Parlament Europejski ma głosować nad projektem rezolucji w sprawie COP28, złożonym przez ...

W lutym 2023 r. Komisja Europejska przedstawiła wniosek ustawodawczy dotyczący zmiany rozporządzenia (UE) 2019/1242 określającego normy emisji CO2 dla nowych pojazdów ciężkich w UE. Proponowana zmiana rozszerzyłaby zakres rozporządzenia o autobusy miejskie, autokary, przyczepy i dodatkowe typy samochodów ciężarowych. Średni poziom emisji CO2 z nowych pojazdów ciężkich zmniejszyłby się do 2040 r. o 90 % w porównaniu z poziomami z 2019 r., a od 2030 r. wszystkie nowo rejestrowane autobusy miejskie ...

Revised EU emissions trading system

W skrócie 08-11-2023

The EU emissions trading system (ETS) has been successful in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from industry, electricity generation and aviation. The revision of the EU ETS under the 'fit for 55' package raises its ambition, extends emissions trading to maritime transport, buildings and road transport, and gradually phases out free emissions allowances, while phasing in a carbon price for certain imports.

The European Parliament started monitoring future shocks during the coronavirus crisis, and has continued to do so during Russia's unprecedented war on Ukraine. The annual 'Future Shocks' series reviews global risks, with a focus on specific risks and the capabilities and resilience of the EU system in the face of multiple challenges. It seeks to provide up-to-date, objective and authoritative information on these risks, based on risk literature from a broad range of sources. 'Future Shocks' includes ...

As part of the 'Fit for 55' package, the European Commission presented a legislative proposal to review the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). The aim of the review is to align the EU ETS Directive with the EU targets set out in the European Climate Law. To this end, the amount of emission allowances would be reduced, fewer allowances would be allocated for free, and the ETS would be extended to maritime transport. A separate new emissions trading system would be established for fuel distribution ...