
Vaši rezultati

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This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee, analyses the impact of digitalization on vulnerable social groups in terms of lower income and education, age, people affected by disabilities, minority ethnic groups and people living in remote/isolated geographic areas. It includes a review of the relevant academic literature, secondary data analysis, as well as three case studies focused ...

Europska građanska inicijativa

Informativni članci o EU-u 09-01-2024

Europska građanska inicijativa (EGI) važan je instrument participativne demokracije u EU-u: njezinim podnošenjem milijun građana s boravištem u jednoj četvrtini država članica može od Europske komisije zatražiti da podnese prijedlog pravnog akta radi provedbe Ugovora EU-a. Od početka primjene uredbe iz 2011. u kojoj su utvrđeni detaljni postupci za europsku građansku inicijativu, Komisiji je uspješno podneseno deset inicijativa. Od siječnja 2020. primjenjuju se nova pravila kako bi europska građanska ...

Pravo na podnošenje predstavki

Informativni članci o EU-u 05-12-2023

Od stupanja na snagu Ugovora iz Maastrichta svaki građanin EU-a te sve fizičke i pravne osobe s boravištem ili registriranim sjedištem u nekoj državi članici imaju pravo Europskom parlamentu podnijeti predstavku u obliku pritužbe ili zahtjeva u vezi s pitanjima iz djelokruga Europske unije. Odbor za predstavke Europskog parlamenta razmatra predstavke, odlučuje o njihovoj dopuštenosti i zadužen je za njihovu obradu.

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the AFCO Committee, assesses the status of political strikes in the EU. While workers' strikes generally seek to pressure an employer, "political strikes" are aimed at the government. Even though such political strikes are often organised to defend and protect workers' interests, they can also have exclusively political objectives. Such "purely political" strikes ...

This study, commissioned by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Petitions (PETI), demonstrates the need to change systems that respond to homelessness as an issue of individual dysfunction and inadequacy, to systems that end homelessness. The residential instability felt by the majority of those who are homeless needs to be addressed through the provision of integrated housing, welfare, and health services. Public policy should ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee, discusses the impact of the ongoing cost-of-living and energy crises on the standard of living for persons with disabilities. Based on available evidence, it provides an overview on legislation, policy measures and schemes that support persons with disabilities and their families to cope with the rising cost of living at the EU level and in ...

Komunikacijska politika

Informativni članci o EU-u 16-11-2023

Potreba za učinkovitom komunikacijom ima pravnu osnovu u Povelji Europske unije o temeljnim pravima kojom se svim građanima jamči pravo da budu informirani o pitanjima povezanima s EU-om. Institucije EU-a razvile su više instrumenata i usluga kako bi bile u kontaktu s građanima i informirale javnost. Otkad je formalno pokrenuta 2012., europska građanska inicijativa omogućuje građanima da budu izravnije uključeni u donošenje novog zakonodavstva i u pitanja povezana s EU-om.

This Briefing, written by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Petitions (PETI), provides background information for the PETI Fact-finding visit to Donegal, Ireland, scheduled from 30 October to 1 November 2023. It investigates the issue of petitions 0789/2021, 0790/2021, 0799/2021, 0800/2021, 0801/2021, 0813/2021, 0814/2021 and 0837/2021 which raise concerns about the defective quality of certain building ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament's Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Petitions (PETI), provides an overview of the right to petition and the rules, procedures and practices used by parliaments for handling petitions, notably in terms of the submission of petitions, admissibility criteria, powers of consideration and criteria for closing petitions. The study also discusses publicity and feedback provided by petitions ...