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Unión bancaria

De un vistazo 16-04-2024

Está previsto que el Parlamento vote los acuerdos provisionales sobre las enmiendas a la Directiva sobre requisitos de capital (DRC) y al Reglamento sobre requisitos de capital (RRC) durante el período parcial de sesiones de abril II. La DRC y el RRC proporcionan el marco prudencial del código normativo único bancario de la Unión. En 2021, la Comisión presentó un paquete de dos propuestas interconectadas para modificar el RRC y la DRC. El objetivo de estas propuestas es doble: 1) aplicar las disposiciones ...

Directive 2009/138/EC – also known as Solvency II – sets out the prudential regulatory framework for the insurance sector in the EU. The framework aims to establish the single market for insurance services further, while strengthening policyholders' protection. On 22 September 2021, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a directive that would amend Solvency II in essentially three ways: i) lowering regulatory obligations on small and low-risk profile insurance companies, ii) taking into account ...

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR) are the principal texts regulating investment services and financial markets activities in the EU. Following a European Commission proposal to amend the MiFID and the MiFIR. a provisional trilogue agreement was reached on 29 June 2023, and the final act was published in March 2024. The new rules establish an EU-wide consolidated tape for EU financial markets, as well as making changes ...

In July 2021, the European Commission tabled a proposal to establish a new EU authority to counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism (AMLA). This was part of a legislative package aimed at implementing the 2020 action plan for a comprehensive Union policy on preventing money laundering and the financing of terrorism. The AMLA would be the centre of an integrated system, composed of the authority itself and national authorities with an AML/CFT supervisory mandate. It would also support ...

In 2020, the Commission launched a review of the Solvency II Directive, the EU's legal prudential regulatory framework for (re-)insurance companies, which entered into force in 2016. As one output of the review, the Commission made a proposal in September 2021 for a new directive establishing a framework for recovery and resolution of insurance companies – the 'IRRD proposal'. The IRRD proposal would establish harmonised recovery and resolution tools and procedures, with enhanced cross-border cooperation ...

La unión bancaria

Fichas temáticas sobre la EU 07-03-2024

La unión bancaria se basa en una propuesta que la Comisión Europea presentó en 2012, unos años después de que estallara la grave crisis financiera de la Unión. La principal innovación consistió en transferir, de escala nacional a escala europea, la responsabilidad de la supervisión cotidiana de los bancos de mayor tamaño de la zona del euro. A partir de entonces, el Banco Central Europeo (BCE) se encargó tanto de las tareas de política monetaria como de supervisión, aunque necesitaba mantenerlas ...

On 7 December 2022, the European Commission made two proposals to amend EU legislation on derivative markets. The objective is to reduce the excessive and concentrated exposure of EU financial institutions to third-country central counterparties (CCPs). CCPs are clearing platforms that mitigate counterparty risks on derivative instruments by demanding collateral. Among other things, the proposals would require EU financial institutions to retain a portion of mandatory CCP derivative trading, to be ...

En junio de 2023, la Comisión presentó una propuesta («FASTER») para lograr que los procedimientos de retención a cuenta en la Unión sean más eficientes y seguros para los inversores transfronterizos y las administraciones tributarias de los Estados miembros, en beneficio de la Unión de los Mercados de Capitales de la UE. Para adoptar la Directiva, el Consejo debe votar a favor por unanimidad, previa consulta al Parlamento. El Parlamento tiene previsto someter a votación su informe (no vinculante ...

The capital markets union (CMU) is an EU political project aimed at 'de-fragmenting' the markets for corporate financing. The primary objective is to ensure that firms with comparable characteristics obtain comparable financing conditions – especially as regards costs and volumes – regardless of the Member State in which they are located. The objective to de-fragment capital markets is influenced by the context of European monetary union and the single market for goods and services; fragmented financial ...

This document provides an overview of Economic Dialogues with the other institutions of the European Union that has taken place in the competent committee(s) of the European Parliament since September 2019 under the European Semester for economic policy coordination. It also lists the Recovery and Resilience Dialogues with the European Commission as undertaken by the competent committee(s) since the entry of force of the Recovery and Resilience Facility in 2021. It also includes an overview of the ...