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Die in den Projektvorgaben festgelegten Ziele dieser Studie bestanden darin, •Hauptmuster von Betrugsfällen zulasten der EU-Kohäsionspolitik in verschiedenen EU-Mitgliedstaatenzu ermitteln und zu analysieren, •zu prüfen, ob es spezifische Muster gibt, in denen Betrug begangen wird, und ob dieVerwaltungsbehörden dies verhindern könnten, indem sie solche Muster früher erkennen, •bewährte Verfahren in dieser Hinsicht und die Mittel, die die Verwaltungsbehörden der erfolgreicherenMitgliedstaaten nutzen ...

This note intends to provide general information about simplification as well as to look a bit more in detail on this issue in the framework of Cohesion Policy, Common Agricultural Policy and Research. These three EU policies represent sectors that largely benefit from the financing of the EU budget and have experienced simplification due to the response of the Commission, the European Parliament and the Council to the requests of final beneficiaries. At the same time, there have been repeated ...

Gender budgeting has a fundamental impact on inclusive and economic growth, fostering employment, reducing poverty, addressing ageing population and increasing Gross Domestic Product (GDP). According to the study of the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), the estimated impact of improved gender equality varies considerably across member states from 4% to 12% of GDP, depending on the present level of achievement of gender equality.

The workshop was prepared by Policy Department D at the request of the CONT Committee. In 2016, the European Court of Auditors had published a special report on this issue. Two years later, the CONT committee wished to verify whether the EU budgetary instruments devoted to fighting eutrophication as well as the activities of the Commission and the Member States had brought any improvement in this field. The workshop reported on the state of play in the combat of the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea ...

The European Parliament is very attentive to the issue of transparency and integrity within the EU institutions. In the past, the EP has commissioned two studies to verify the level of effectiveness and efficiency of the Code of Conduct for Commissioners of the European Commission. This in-depth analysis verifies whether the Code of Conduct of 2018 complies with the requests the EP has made in order to guarantee the best performance in terms of transparency and integrity by the EC Commissioners. ...

Das Haushaltsverfahren

Kurzdarstellungen zur EU 01-06-2017

Seit den Verträgen von 1970 und 1975 ist die Rolle des Parlaments im Haushaltsverfahren immer weiter gestärkt worden. Nach Maßgabe des Vertrags von Lissabon entscheiden das Parlament und der Rat gleichberechtigt über den gesamten EU-Haushalt.