Grupul Partidului Popular European (Creștin Democrat)


Irlanda - Fine Gael Party (Irlanda)

Data nașterii : , Boston

Explicații scrise ale votului Maria WALSH

Deputații pot să depună o explicație scrisă privind modul în care au votat în ședință plenară. Articolul 194

Schimbul automatizat de date pentru cooperarea polițienească (”Prüm II”) (A9-0200/2023 - Paulo Rangel) EN


I voted in support for the proposed regulation to strengthen and modernise the Prüm framework, as I believe it is crucial for enhancing cross-border cooperation in combating criminal activities within the EU. The aim is to facilitate automated data exchange among Member States’ law enforcement agencies, and Europol is essential for preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal offences effectively. By replacing and upgrading the existing Prüm decisions, the regulation introduces an upgraded technical solution for data exchange, including new categories such as facial images and the voluntary exchange of police records. Moreover, the inclusion of provisions for searching missing persons for humanitarian reasons expands the framework’s scope beyond criminal investigations. Therefore, I voted in favour of this proposal, as I believe it should contribute to a safer and more secure Union for all citizens.

Prioritățile UE pentru cea de a 68-a sesiune a Comisiei ONU pentru Statutul Femeilor (B9-0091/2024) EN


I voted with overwhelming support in favour of the motion for a resolution on the EU priorities for the 68th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women. My Fine Gael colleague Frances Fitzgerald was the rapporteur on this file, and she carried out some fantastic work to get this deal over the line. This marks the first ever EU Directive to Combat Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence, a monumental step forward in protecting women’s rights, particularly in the digital realm.
Ensuring the safety and well-being of women is paramount, and this directive addresses critical issues like online violence. By prioritising these concerns at the international level, we demonstrate our commitment to gender equality and ending violence against women in all its forms. This resolution underscores the EU’s leadership in advocating for women’s rights and highlights the importance of collaborative efforts in achieving meaningful progress on gender equality globally.

Situația din Serbia în urma alegerilor (RC-B9-0106/2024, B9-0106/2024, B9-0108/2024, B9-0131/2024, B9-0132/2024, B9-0133/2024, B9-0134/2024) EN


This motion for a resolution concerns the situation in Serbia following their elections. I supported this motion for a resolution. Despite the fact that the international election observation mission (I-EOM) stated that the election was conducted smoothly, the day was marked by numerous procedural deficiencies.
I echo the grievances of Parliament, in that the Serbian parliamentary and local elections held on 17 December 2023 deviated from international standards and Serbia’s commitments to free and fair elections. Parliament urges the Serbian authorities to investigate, prosecute and bring to justice those responsible for any criminal offences during the elections.
Equally, Parliament underlines that constant early elections, permanent campaign mode and long delays in forming governments do not contribute to efficient democratic governance of the country, but instead weaken the parliament and lead to a lack of parliamentary legislative oversight and legitimacy.

Raport referitor la punerea în aplicare a Strategiei UE privind egalitatea pentru persoanele LGBTIQ 2020-2025 (A9-0030/2024 - José Gusmão) EN


I voted with an overwhelming amount of support for the report on the implementation of the EU LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025. I believe our strength lies in unity amidst diversity: equality and non-discrimination are fundamental in the EU.
Enshrined in the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights, they are upheld by the European Commission, Parliament, Council and Member States. Legislative strides and policy initiatives have fostered more inclusive societies, especially for LGBTIQ individuals.
Yet challenges persist. Discrimination is on the rise. The 2020-2025 LGBTIQ Equality Strategy signifies the EU’s commitment to change. This strategy aims to create a Union where diversity thrives, and all can live free from discrimination, exclusion or violence. We need to ensure that we create an environment where everyone – no matter their race, sexuality or gender – feels safe, included and wanted.

Acorduri de asociere pentru participarea țărilor terțe la programele Uniunii (B9-0096/2024) EN


I supported the motion for a resolution on association agreements for third countries in Union programmes. The resolution constructively critiques the Commission’s approach to these agreements, urging reforms for more effective collaboration. It emphasises the potential for enriching Union programmes through active cooperation with third countries that align with our democratic values. Notably, the text identifies New Zealand as a key like-minded partner for the EU.
Voting in favour reflects my belief in fostering robust international partnerships, acknowledging the shared benefits of collaboration. The resolution highlights the need for a strategic and mutually beneficial approach, ensuring that future agreements align with our democratic principles.
I believe that it is crucial to address concerns in the handling of such agreements, striving for transparency, effectiveness and alignment with shared values in the evolving landscape of international relations.

Împuternicirea Republicii Franceze să negocieze, să semneze și să încheie un acord internațional privind cerințele de siguranță și interoperabilitate pe legătura fixă pe sub Canalul Mânecii (A9-0018/2024 - Petar Vitanov) EN


I supported this report concerning the Channel Fixed Link, which links the EU and the UK.
Post-Brexit, it is crucial to establish coherent rail safety and interoperability rules along its entirety, necessitating close collaboration between British and French authorities for enforcement. In March 2023, France sought a mandate to negotiate an international agreement with the UK regarding safety and interoperability requirements within the link.
The report aims to extend France’s mandate to negotiate, sign, and conclude an agreement with the UK. It emphasises the supremacy of EU law and the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice within the French portion of the tunnel. Additionally, provisions allow for amendments in line with future changes to Union law, particularly Directives (EU) 2016/797 and (EU) 2016/798.
The UK is urged to ensure consistency in safety and interoperability requirements. This measure is crucial for maintaining seamless operations and safety standards across the Channel Fixed Link amid changing geopolitical dynamics.

Încheierea Acordului privind facilitarea investițiilor durabile dintre Uniunea Europeană și Republica Angola (A9-0005/2024 - Joachim Schuster) EN


I supported the Recommendation regarding the draft Council decision on the Sustainable Investment Facilitation Agreement between the EU and Angola. Negotiations commenced on 22 June 2021 and concluded after four rounds on 18 November 2022.
The Agreement’s overarching aim is to enhance legal certainty, improve the investment climate, and facilitate investment mobilisation and retention between the EU and Angola. It establishes modern and simplified rules and procedures for foreign direct investment, benefiting both foreign and domestic companies. Emphasising sustainable development, economic growth, and job creation, it bolsters bilateral investment ties.
Notably, this Agreement marks the EU’s first venture into investment facilitation agreements. By promoting mutual benefits and fostering a conducive investment environment, it sets a precedent for future collaborations. This initiative underscores the commitment to fostering sustainable economic development and strengthening diplomatic and economic ties between the EU and Angola.

Modificarea Directivei privind administratorii fondurilor de investiții alternative (AIFMD) și a Directivei privind organismele de plasament colectiv în valori mobiliare (OPCVD) (A9-0020/2023 - Isabel Benjumea Benjumea) EN


I supported the Report on amending Directives 2011/61/EU and 2009/65/EC concerning delegation arrangements, liquidity risk management, supervisory reporting, provision of depositary and custody services, and loan origination by alternative investment funds (AIFs). Initially adopted in 2011, the Alternative Investment Funds Manager Directive (AIFMD) aimed to regulate the AIF sector in response to the global financial crisis, enhancing oversight and supervision.
The key elements of the Trilogue agreement include: strengthened investor protection by imposing uniform high standards for investment fund managers delegating functions, with increased transparency on delegation arrangements; enhanced liquidity risk management for managers of open-ended AIFs and retail funds, mandating at least two liquidity management tools to address liquidity issues effectively; measures against ‘greenwashing’ to ensure investors aren’t misled by funds falsely claiming to be environmentally friendly, with ESMA tasked to issue guidelines; and improved access to finance through common minimal rules for direct lending by AIFs to companies, fostering cross-border operations and providing an alternative funding source alongside traditional bank lending.
These updates aim to promote growth, competitiveness, and transparency in Europe’s loan industry, contributing to a more robust and targeted market environment.

Plăți instant în euro (A9-0230/2023 - Michiel Hoogeveen) EN


I supported the report proposing amendments to Regulation (EU) No 260/2012 and Regulation (EU) 2021/1230 concerning instant credit transfers in euro. The objective of this proposal is to promote innovation and competition within the EU payments market while ensuring compliance with existing regulations on sanctions and combating financial crime.
Additionally, the proposal aligns with broader goals of digitalisation and open strategic autonomy, offering a viable alternative to traditional payment methods like Visa and Mastercard. By facilitating instant credit transfers in euro, the regulation seeks to enhance efficiency and convenience in financial transactions, ultimately benefitting consumers and businesses alike.
This initiative reflects the EU’s commitment to fostering a dynamic and secure payments ecosystem that supports economic growth and innovation. It underscores the importance of adapting regulatory frameworks to accommodate evolving technological advancements and market dynamics in the digital age.

Valorile-limită pentru plumb, compușii săi anorganici și diizocianați (A9-0263/2023 - Nikolaj Villumsen) EN


As a member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, I supported the report advocating for stricter limits on lead and diisocyanates in the workplace. This proposal seeks to enhance worker protection from hazardous substances by revising exposure limit values outlined in the Carcinogens, Mutagens and Reprotoxic Substances Directive 2004/37/EC and the Chemical Agents Directive 98/24/EC.
Lead, commonly found in battery and ammunition production, poses significant health risks, as do diisocyanates, prevalent in construction, vehicle repairs, and textile manufacturing. By tightening regulations on these substances, the aim is to mitigate health hazards and minimise occupational risks for workers across various sectors.
This initiative underscores the commitment to prioritising worker safety and well-being, recognising the importance of updating regulations to reflect advancements in understanding the health impacts of certain chemicals. Ultimately, it seeks to create safer working environments and promote occupational health standards in line with evolving scientific knowledge and best practices.



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