Regatul Unit

Data nașterii : , Frederiksberg

a 9-a legislatură Henrik OVERGAARD NIELSEN

Grupuri politice

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Deputați neafiliați

Partide naționale

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : The Brexit Party (Regatul Unit)


  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Comisia pentru bugete
  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Delegația la Adunarea Parlamentară Paritară ACP-UE

Membru supleant

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Delegația pentru relațiile cu țările din Asia de Sud

Principalele activități parlamentare

Alte activități parlamentare

Explicații scrise ale votului

Deputații pot să depună o explicație scrisă privind modul în care au votat în ședință plenară. Articolul 194

Audierile în curs în temeiul articolului 7 alineatul (1) din TUE privind Polonia și Ungaria (B9-0032/2020) EN


The Brexit Party voted against this non-legislative resolution. Principally, the Brexit Party opposes the EU’s infringement proceedings against any sovereign nation. We believe that the governments of these nations, who were democratically elected, unlike many EU lawmakers, have the right to enact the policies on which they have been elected. For these reasons, we voted against calls for further hearings with Poland and Hungary.

Protocol la Acordul dintre Uniunea Europeană, Islanda și Norvegia privind criteriile și mecanismele de determinare a statului responsabil de examinarea unei cereri de azil prezentate într-un stat membru, în Islanda sau în Norvegia în ceea ce privește accesul la Eurodac în scopul asigurării respectării legii (A9-0053/2019 - Jadwiga Wiśniewska) EN


The Brexit Party have voted to abstain on this legislative report. Whilst we support the principle of cooperation with neighboring countries, particularly when this concerns combatting serious crime and terrorism, we cannot support this being facilitated via the EU. As we believe these agreements should be conducted bilaterally, we abstained on this report.

Acordul între Uniunea Europeană și China privind anumite aspecte ale serviciilor aeriene (A9-0041/2019 - Tomasz Piotr Poręba) EN


Brexit Party MEPs have abstained on this consent vote. This is a technical amendment to bring the agreement into line with EU rules, and therefore we felt it most appropriate to abstain.

Sistemul comun al taxei pe valoarea adăugată în ceea ce privește regimul special pentru întreprinderile mici (A9-0055/2019 - Inese Vaidere) EN


. ‒ Although the Brexit Party opposes EU tax harmonisation, and does not support EU legislation over the UK, these provisions would reduce the scope of VAT and so we abstained.

Pactul ecologic european (RC-B9-0040/2020, B9-0040/2020, B9-0041/2020, B9-0042/2020, B9-0043/2020, B9-0044/2020, B9-0045/2020, B9-0046/2020) EN


Brexit Party MEPs voted against this motion for a resolution. We do not support the EU spending trillions of euros and harmonising laws and targets. If Member States wish to achieve climate objectives, it should be on their own terms and not the EU’s. Brexit Party MEPs voted on a number of amendments in order to reduce the extent of targets and increases in EU legislation.

Implementarea și monitorizarea dispozițiilor privind drepturile cetățenilor din Acordul de retragere a Regatului Unit (B9-0031/2020) EN


The Resolution regrets the loss of freedom of movement and seeks to reverse the burden of proof for settled status, accordingly the Brexit Party voted against.

Raport anual pe 2018 privind drepturile omului și democrația în lume și politica Uniunii Europene în această privință (A9-0051/2019 - Isabel Wiseler-Lima) EN


The Brexit Party voted against this non-legislative report. Whilst we respect the importance of the human rights issues raised within this report we are opposed to the European Union becoming involved. We are firmly opposed to the increasing use of serious human rights issue abroad as justification for the enhancement of the EU’s foreign policy apparatus.

Raport anual referitor la punerea în aplicare a politicii externe și de securitate comune (A9-0054/2019 - David McAllister) EN


The Brexit Party voted against this non-legislative report. We are opposed to the development of the EU’s strategic autonomy and the further transfer of foreign policy decision making to the EU level.

Raport anual referitor la punerea în aplicare a politicii de securitate și apărare comune (A9-0052/2019 - Arnaud Danjean) EN


The Brexit Party voted against this non-legislative report. We are opposed to the development of the European Defence Union. Defence of the realm is fundamental to nation-state sovereignty and should remain the responsibility of the member-states.

Poziția Parlamentului European față de conferința privind viitorul Europei (B9-0036/2020, B9-0037/2020, B9-0038/2020) EN


The Brexit Party MEPs abstained on this non-legislative, non-binding resolution. While there were elements in this report we opposed such as calling for transnational lists for EU elections, along with our concern this conference will just be an echo chamber for EU elites to convince themselves there needs to be greater centralisation of powers and spending of money at EU level, as the UK is leaving it was not our place to be part of those discussions.

Proiectul de buget rectificativ nr. 4/2019: Reducerea creditelor de angajament și a creditelor de plată în funcție de necesitățile actualizate privind cheltuielile și de actualizarea veniturilor (resurse proprii) (A9-0012/2019 - John Howarth) EN


The Brexit Party voted against this budgetary proposal. We would have supported the original Commission proposal as it reduced the amount of money in a number of EU budget lines and would lead to a reduction in Member States’ contributions for this year, thereby saving British taxpayers’ money. However, the rapporteur UK Labour MEP amended this resolution to redeploy the savings, meaning it would be spent in other areas of the EU budget instead of saving taxpayers’ money, so we voted against.

Interferența străină în alegeri și dezinformarea în procesele democratice naționale și europene (B9-0108/2019, B9-0111/2019) EN


The Brexit Party has voted against this non-legislative resolution. The Brexit Party wholeheartedly supports free and fair elections, free speech and democratic accountability. These principles, in part, are integral in our cause to leave the European Union. We believe that reports of Russian electoral interference have already been exposed as baseless propaganda in order to shut down debate and discredit legitimate democratic exercises, such as the UK referendum. Furthermore, the Brexit Party voted against the third amendment because it maliciously – and incorrectly – stated that the Leave.eu campaign received funding from foreign actors despite the National Crime Agency clearing Leave.eu of these allegations in September.


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