
9ème législature Jane BROPHY

Groupes politiques

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Groupe Renew Europe - Membre

Partis nationaux

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Liberal Democrats (Royaume-Uni)


  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Commission de l'emploi et des affaires sociales
  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Délégation pour les relations avec la République fédérative du Brésil

Membre suppléante

  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Commission de l'environnement, de la santé publique et de la sécurité alimentaire
  • 02-07-2019 / 31-01-2020 : Délégation pour les relations avec l'Afghanistan

Activités parlementaires principales

Contributions aux débats en séance plénière

Discours prononcés en séance plénière et déclarations écrites relatives aux débats en séance plénière. Article 204 et article 171, paragraphe 11, du règlement intérieur.

Rapport(s) - en tant que rapporteur fictif

Pour chaque rapport, les groupes politiques désignent, au sein de la commission saisie au fond, un rapporteur fictif qui suivra l’évolution des travaux et négociera des compromis avec le rapporteur. Article 215 du règlement intérieur.

Proposition(s) de résolution

Des propositions de résolution sont déposées sur des sujets d’actualité à la demande d’une commission, d’un groupe politique ou d’au moins 5 % des députés. Elles sont mises aux voix en séance plénière. Articles 132, 136, 139 et 144 du règlement intérieur.

Autres activités parlementaires

Explications de vote écrites

Les députés peuvent expliquer par écrit leur vote en plénière. Article 194 du règlement intérieur.

Accord entre l'UE et les États-Unis concernant l'attribution d'un contingent tarifaire pour les importations de viande bovine de haute qualité (recommandation) (A9-0038/2019 - Bernd Lange) EN


In 2009 the EU opened a tariff rate quota of 45,000 tonnes for non-hormone high quality beef as part of the interim solution found with the US on a long standing dispute under the WTO, dating from 1989 when the EU introduced measures against the import of hormone treated beef. The interim agreement was a way to compensate the US for this ban on imports of hormone beef and avoid their intention to raise tariffs on some products due to this dispute. The US has not been satisfied with how the tariff rate quota was implemented under the WTO, so therefore negotiations were opened in October last year and concluded in February this year, resulting in an ear-marked share of 35 000 tonnes for the US. The quota itself has not changed, only the distribution within it. The standards and criteria for imports of non-hormone treated high quality beef stay the same. I voted in favour of consenting to this agreement entering into force. This agreement is a good example of the EU and the US constructively finding a solution to trade disputes.

Accord entre l'UE et les États-Unis concernant l'attribution d'un contingent tarifaire pour les importations de viande bovine de haute qualité (résolution) (A9-0037/2019 - Bernd Lange) EN


I voted in favour of the adjoining European Parliament Resolution concerning the EU and the US agreement on the Allocation to the United States of a Share in the Tariff Rate Quota for High Quality Beef. I particularly support the paragraph highlighting that the agreement does not affect current levels of market access for beef to the EU market and that the overall EU market access quota of non-hormone-treated beef must not be increased.

Situation en Bolivie (RC-B9-0187/2019, B9-0187/2019, B9-0188/2019, B9-0189/2019, B9-0190/2019, B9-0191/2019, B9-0192/2019) EN


I voted in favour of this resolution on the situation in Bolivia. The resolution welcomes the approval by both houses of legislation to prepare the next presidential elections. However, the European Parliament emphasises our belief that a return to stability in Bolivia requires a new election as soon as possible. The resolution supports the objective of appointing a new independent Electoral Court to guarantee transparent elections. Furthermore, the resolution calls on the interim authorities to take responsibility for the credibility of the procedure by organising properly conducted and inclusive elections where all political actors have the opportunity to compete in accordance with Bolivian law and the constitutional order. Finally, the resolution denounces the lack of transparency and credibility of the Bolivian authorities and their attempt to commit fraud, thereby undermining the right of Bolivian citizens to freely and democratically elect their President.

Urgence climatique et environnementale (RC-B9-0209/2019, B9-0209/2019, B9-0211/2019, B9-0212/2019, B9-0215/2019, B9-0216/2019, B9-0218/2019, B9-0220/2019) EN


I voted in favour of this resolution, in which the European Parliament declared a climate and environmental emergency. This declaration has made Europe the first continent to take this step, after various cities, regions and states have done so worldwide. In our resolution, we urged the Ursula von der Leyen Commission to fully align all new legislative proposals with the objective of limiting global warming to under 1.5 °C while involving citizens and all sectors of society and the economy for an inclusive, fair and equitable transition.

Conférence des Nations unies de 2019 sur les changements climatiques (COP 25) (B9-0174/2019) EN


I voted in favour of this resolution, which sets out the position of the European Parliament in view of the COP25 Climate Conference in Madrid, addressing the main agenda items of the negotiations, particularly the completion of the rulebook of the Paris Agreement. My political group, Renew Europe, gave its full support to call on the EU to raise its Paris-pledge beyond the current commitment of at least 40% emissions reductions by 2030 to 55% (compared to 1990 levels). I voted in favour of amendments calling on even higher emission reduction targets of 65% but I am proud that the Parliament adopted the target of 55%.

Adhésion de l'Union européenne à la convention d'Istanbul et autres mesures de lutte contre la violence à caractère sexiste (B9-0224/2019, B9-0225/2019, B9-0226/2019) EN


I voted in favour of this resolution by the European Parliament concerning the EU’s accession to the Istanbul Convention and other measures to combat gender-based violence. I support the condemnation in this resolution of all forms of gender-based violence. The resolution deplores the fact that women and girls continue to be exposed to psychological, physical, sexual and economic violence, including domestic violence, sexual harassment, cyber violence, female genital mutilation (FGM), sexual exploitation and human trafficking and other forms of violence, which constitute a serious violation of their human rights and dignity. The resolution also highlights the deep concern about the phenomenon of femicide in Europe, which is the most extreme form of violence against women. Furthermore, the resolution calls on the European Council to urgently conclude the EU ratification of the Istanbul Convention on the basis of a broad accession without any limitations, and to advocate its ratification by all the Member States (including the UK).

Mesures récentes prises par la Fédération de Russie contre les juges, procureurs et enquêteurs lituaniens participant à l'enquête sur les tragiques événements du 13 janvier 1991 à Vilnius (RC-B9-0182/2019, B9-0182/2019, B9-0183/2019, B9-0184/2019, B9-0185/2019, B9-0186/2019) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this resolution on recent actions by the Russian Federation against Lithuanian judges, prosecutors and investigators involved in investigating the tragic events of 13 January 1991 in Vilnius. The resolution highlights that the actions of the authorities of the Russian Federation with respect to Lithuanian judges and prosecutors violate fundamental legal values, in particular the independence of the judiciary, as well as the principle that human rights and freedoms may only be restricted lawfully for the purposes for which such restrictions are imposed by international law. Furthermore, it recalls that the criminal prosecution of prosecutors and judges for their professional activities is a form of unacceptable external influence that interferes with the primacy of law. Parliament’s resolution also expresses solidarity with the Lithuanian prosecutors, investigators and judges indicted by the Russian Federation in this case, and with the efforts of the Lithuanian Government to bring this case to light and to limit the harm and danger facing those unlawfully accused by the Russian authorities.

Mesures destinées à remédier aux conséquences pour l'agriculture européenne de la décision de l'OMC concernant Airbus (RC-B9-0197/2019, B9-0197/2019, B9-0198/2019, B9-0201/2019, B9-0203/2019, B9-0204/2019, B9-0206/2019, B9-0208/2019) EN


The European Parliament adopted this resolution on measures to address the impact on European agriculture of the WTO ruling on the Airbus dispute. I voted in favour of this resolutions as it expresses deep concern about the collateral damage that the EU agri-food sector is facing throughout the entire agri-food chain as a consequence of the decision taken by the United States to impose countermeasures on the European Union as a result of the Airbus dispute. Furthermore, our resolution considers it unacceptable that the agricultural sector must bear a large part of the cost of a legal dispute originating in a completely unrelated sector and we deplore the decision to impose duties on so many agricultural products. Finally, we express our deep regret over the USA’s lack of engagement with the EU’s attempts to find a timely negotiated solution ahead of the application of the tariffs. The US has refused to work with the EU on a timely solution for our respective aircraft industries in the context of the long-standing Airbus-Boeing dispute.

La crise de l'Organe d'appel de l'OMC (B9-0181/2019) EN


The World Trade Organisation (WTO) Appellate Body plays a fundamental role in the WTO dispute settlement system. However, since 2017, the United States has been blocking the replacement of any of the seven members of the Appellate Body and has rejected numerous proposals to launch the selection process to fill the remaining vacancies. I voted in favour of this Resolution, which highlights the European Parliament’s deep concern that, without a solution, the Appellate Body will cease to be operational after 10 December 2019. This could have very serious consequences for the rules-based multilateral trading system. The Resolution invites all WTO members to engage constructively in discussions so that the vacancies can be filled as soon as possible. Finally, we have called on the Commission to continue its engagement with all of the WTO members, including the United States, in order to unblock the appointments procedure as a matter of priority.

Négociations en cours en vue d'un nouvel accord de partenariat UE-ACP (B9-0175/2019) EN


Negotiations for a new Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) are still ongoing and are likely to take longer than originally anticipated. ACP-EU relations are of great importance, particularly now, where the multilateral system is under strain and being called into question. I voted in favour of this Resolution welcoming the progress made so far on the negotiations of the strategic priorities of the foundation and support the paragraph highlighting that more time will be needed to negotiate the remaining parts of the agreement, to ensure a fair and effective conclusion to the negotiated agreement. Furthermore, the Resolution reiterates a call for the strengthening of the Joint Parliamentary Assembly’s consultative and scrutiny role and that regular meetings are needed at ACP-EU level to ensure an even stronger partnership.

Élection de la Commission EN


Along with 460 colleagues in the European Parliament, I voted in favour of Ursula von der Leyen’s Commission. During the final debate, President-elect Ursula von der Leyen reiterated many of the commitments she made to the Parliament in July, and made by the Commissioners-designate during the hearings process. Once again, she highlighted that appropriate investment and regulatory frameworks will be put into place for Europe to lead the way internationally on a range of critical issues: environmental protection and climate change, growth, inclusion, innovation and digitalisation, as well as the protection of democracy, European values, citizens’ rights and the rule of law.

Mobilisation du Fonds de solidarité de l’Union européenne pour venir en aide à la Grèce (A9-0040/2019 - Eva Kaili) EN


. ‒ In February 2019, western Crete was severely hit by a cyclone, accompanied by exceptionally heavy rain. The ensuing floods and landslides tragically led to human casualties, blockage of villages, as well as significant damage to infrastructure, in particular the road network, and the destruction of economic activities, especially in agricultural production. There was also major damage to embankments, drainage systems, the electricity network and to private homes, mainly owned by financially disadvantaged households. The Commission proposes to mobilise the European Union Solidarity Fund to grant financial assistance relating to severe weather events that took place. The Commission calculated the total financial contribution from the Fund to be just over EUR 4.5 million. The largest share of the funds provided will contribute to the costs of restoring transport infrastructure and cleaning-up operations.

Mobilisation de l'instrument de flexibilité aux fins du financement de mesures budgétaires immédiates pour faire face aux défis actuels liés à la migration, à l'afflux de réfugiés et aux menaces pesant sur la sécurité (A9-0039/2019 - Monika Hohlmeier) EN


I voted in favour of this mobilisation of the Flexibility Instrument to finance immediate budgetary measures to address the on-going challenges of migration, refugee inflows and security threats. In order to address these ongoing challenges, it is necessary to mobilise significant additional amounts to finance such measures as a matter of urgency.

Mobilisation du Fonds de solidarité de l'Union européenne aux fins du paiement d'avances dans le cadre du budget général de l'Union pour 2020 (A9-0036/2019 - Monika Hohlmeier) EN


The European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) was set up to enable the Union to respond to emergency situations caused by major natural disasters and to express European solidarity with disaster-stricken regions within Europe. The fund can provide financial aid to Member States in the event of a ‘major natural disaster’. It can also be mobilised in the event of a regional disaster. The MFF Regulation for the period 2014-2020 allows for the mobilisation of the fund within the annual ceiling of EUR 500 million. This proposal is not linked to a specific disaster. Rather, it aims at entering into the general budget of the Union for 2020 the amount of EUR 50 million in commitment and payment appropriations for the payment of advances in a timely and efficient way in the event of a disaster occurring next year. Therefore, I voted in favour of this report.

Procédure budgétaire 2020: projet commun (A9-0035/2019 - Monika Hohlmeier, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial) EN


The 2020 EU budget is the last budget under the EU’s current Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) 2014-2020. This draft budget 2020 is designed to optimise funding for existing programmes as well as new initiatives and to boost the European added value in line with the EU’s priorities - jobs, growth, young people, climate change, security and solidarity - and to prepare the transition to the next budgetary cycle. My group, Renew Europe, welcomed the Commission proposal as a good basis to deliver on the Parliament’s priorities in 2020 but called for reinforcements for Horizon 2020 and climate-expenditure in order to reach the targets originally set out for the MFF period. I voted in favour of this joint text of draft Union budget for 2020.

Accord UE-Ukraine modifiant les préférences commerciales applicables aux viandes de volaille et aux préparations à base de viandes de volaille prévues dans l’accord d’association UE-Ukraine (A9-0024/2019 - Enikő Győri) EN


. ‒ The European Union has a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) with Ukraine, which is part of the Association Agreement between EU and Ukraine signed in 2014, most tariff lines are liberalised or are subject to specific tariff rate quotas. However, in order to eliminate the risk of potentially unlimited duty-free imports of poultry meat into the EU (loophole in the Association Agreement), which is highly sensitive for the EU, the Commission conducted negotiations and concluded them by amending the trade of poultry meat and poultry meat preparations provided for by the Association Agreement. The amended text eliminates the loophole, and the poultry meat trade can return to be rule-based again. I voted in favour of the agreement reached between the Commission and Ukraine.

Modification de la réglementation relative à la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée et au droit d’accise en ce qui concerne l’effort de défense dans le cadre de l’Union (A9-0034/2019 - Paul Tang) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this report. The objective of this proposal is to align the VAT treatment of defence efforts in the EU and NATO frameworks as far as is feasible. Similarly, the arrangements for exemptions from excise duties, as provided for in the Excise Directive, should be aligned in the same way.

Les droits de l'enfant à l'occasion du 30e anniversaire de la convention des Nations unies relative aux droits de l'enfant (B9-0178/2019, B9-0179/2019, B9-0180/2019) EN


I voted in favour of this Resolution, along with a vast majority of the European Parliament, commemorating the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The resolution stresses that the best interests of the child should be a primary consideration in all EU policies, given that 100 million children live in Europe, representing one-fifth of the EU’s population. The eradication of child labour, ending all forms of violence against children, combating child sexual abuse and tackling child poverty must be the cornerstones of the Commission’s new strategy to protect and support children. My political group, the Renew Europe, has committed to continue to call for more investment in better healthcare, education and children’s welfare as a way of investing in our common future.

Ventes à distance de biens et certaines livraisons intérieures de biens (A9-0019/2019 - Ondřej Kovařík) EN


The aim of the proposal is to lay down detailed rules needed to ensure the functioning of the new VAT rules for e-commerce, which will come into force in January 2021. It clarifies in particular the situations in which electronic interfaces such as a marketplace, platform and portal are considered to facilitate sales of goods and services between users and specifies the type of information they must keep on sales made through an electronic interface. It also clarifies under which conditions marketplaces will not be liable to pay VAT on supplies of goods in excess of the VAT which is declared and paid on these supplies. I voted in favour of this proposal as it will make the processes clearer.

Mobilisation du Fonds européen d'ajustement à la mondialisation - EGF/2019/001 BE/Carrefour - Belgique (A9-0021/2019 - José Manuel Fernandes) EN


. ‒ The first EGF application of 2019, Belgium submitted an application for a financial contribution from the EGF, following redundancies in Carrefour beginning in November 2018.
The basis for the application regarding these redundancies was made under the globalisation criterion, with the retail sector seeing increased online shopping from both cross border and particularly global players e.g. Amazon etc. for price-based considerations. Primarily based in Wallonia, the total estimated number of eligible beneficiaries expected to participate in the measures, including young persons not in education employment or training (NEETs) in the same region, is 730. The Commission proposal includes a number of actions to help the redundant workers including, the provision of support, guidance and integration for the redundant workers. Finance for training, retraining and vocational training and support towards business creation and contributions towards business start-ups. Finally, allowances are also foreseen but focus on subsistence for commuting to a job in another region or return to education allowances. Therefore, I voted in favour of this application in order to help these redundant workers.

Questions écrites

Les députés peuvent poser un nombre défini de questions avec demande de réponse écrite au président du Conseil européen, au Conseil, à la Commission et à la vice-présidente de la Commission/haute représentante de l’Union. Article 138 et annexe III du règlement intérieur.


Toutes les déclarations ci-après ont été signées par le député, même si la signature n’est pas visible dans la version en ligne.