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The European Parliament on Thursday granted discharge to the Commission, all decentralised agencies and the development funds.

MEPs have made sure that the revision of the EU’s Financial Regulation results in better budgetary scrutiny, respect for EU values and more transparency.

Giovedì, i deputati hanno sostenuto la candidatura di Carlo Alberto Manfredi Selvaggi, nominato dal governo italiano, alla Corte dei conti europea.

Members of the EP’s Budgetary Control committee recommend discharge to the European Commission, all of the EU agencies and European Development fund, while stating some concerns.

On Wednesday, Budgets and Budgetary Control Committee MEPs will quiz commissioners Hahn, Reynders and Schmit about the partial release of previously frozen funds to Hungary.

Il Parlamento condanna gli sforzi deliberati, continui e sistematici del governo ungherese per minare i valori fondanti dell'UE.

MEPs evaluated the “anti-fraud architecture” set up to protect the EU’s financial interests and pointed to the loopholes in control of the EU funds awarded to non-governmental organizations.

On Tuesday, Parliament endorsed the candidacies of Hans Lindblad and João Leão, nominated respectively by Sweden and Portugal.

Following talks with member states on the revision of the EU’s Financial Regulation, MEPs obtained better budgetary scrutiny, respect for EU values and more transparency.

The Budgetary Control Committee adopted its annual anti-fraud report for 2022 evaluating the efforts in the EU to counter fraud and how to better protect EU funds.